Pricing plans
More you use, Less you Pay. Business friendly pricing strategy.
Attractive pricing for everyone
Calculate yourself, Pay and Verify in Seconds.
Loaded With Rewards & Surprises
Exciting pricing model to suit your business needs
Use More, Pay Less
Flexi-Pricing helps you to save more on your usage. It’s designed to optimize your spend based on your high usage.
Refer & Earn
A strong recommendation is more than any price paid. We appreciate your effort and extend a token of love in form of referral bonus.
We understand the effort you put in collecting emails to verify for your business. Get rewarded as a surprise gift by our AI Bot, based on your usage.
No charge for unverified emails
We only charge for the emails we verified, all the mails with unknown status are not charged.
Free Team Work
Working in team is more interesting than working alone. We let you create as many team members you want, with no extra charges.
Free List Management
Upload and manage your Lists with de-duplication, verification status, bounced and unsubscribe. All this with FREE.
Do you have questions
Not sure how Zupitu's flexible pricing can help you?
Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our appreciated customers