About Zupitu

Zupitu is meant for serious inside sales professionals who are in search of one stop solution for their data cleansing and list building needs.

Succeed with Zupitu

Innovated to make prospecting accurate and economical

Simplicity at core, it’s catering to inside sales professionals across the industries and boundaries with greater acceptance.

Zupitu is prospecting tool powered with data intelligence, enriched features, precision and economical pricing mechanism. Designed to be used by aggressive marketers as One Stop Solution to all their prospecting and list management needs.


With minimalist design in place, it facilitates the users with minimal distraction and ease of use.


Excellent quality of data offered at very affordable prices for small to large companies.

Data Security

Ensured data security by using Comodo Secure, a third party system and other necessary tools and processes in place.


Quality being the most important driving factor, is ensured by “Zupitu Accuracy Guarantee” Program.